June, ladies and germs, has been (and will more than likely continue to be) a VERY hot and busy month for us at Casa del McWojcik. Camping, hiking, working, haircuts, invisilign and lasik! Please forgive me for bombarding you, but if I don't chunk these together now, I'll be tempted to skip the month of June all together! And we wouldn't want that, now would we? Enjoy your June and stay cool, Colorado!
Healthy Mexican Grilled Corn on the Cob for Corn on the Cob Day!!
First of all, I LOVE nooks. I love the WORD nook! This lovely bed nook with book storage would be the perfect place to celebrate Loving Day. If you know what I mean. *wink*wink*
Wouldn't you just DIE if you could be here? It's so dry here in Colorado, I'm pretty sure I would gain 10lbs of water due to my skin soaking it all up! Happy World Ocean Day!
Can you see them?? I'm wearing Invisilign (or something like it) for the next 3 1/2 months. It's pretty sweet - painful for the first week, but you totally forget about that by the time you're due to switch your trays and the pain is back again! Totally worth it, don't get me wrong, it's the nature of the beast! To celebrate Smiling Power Day, I'll be smiling at 100 people. Think you could do it?? Get out there and share that smile power!
June 8 - Banana Split Day, Upsy Daisy Day, World Ocean Day
June 9 - Donald Duck Day, International Young Eagles Day
June 10 - AA Day, Ball Point Pen Day, Iced Tea Day, Ride the Wind Day, Race Unity Day
June 11 - Corn on the Cob Day
June 12 - Crowded Nest Awareness Day, National Peanut Butter Cookie Day, Loving Day, Red Rose Day
June 13 - Queen's Official Birthday, Sewing Machine Day
June 14 - Army's Birthday, Career Nurse Assistants Day, Pause for the Pledge Day, Blood Donor Day, Family History Day, Flag Day
June 15 - Magna Carta Day, Native American Citizenship Day, Nature Photography, June National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement Officers, National Flip Flop Day, Work-at-Home Father's Day, Smile Power Day
What better way to eat your veggies than smothered in cheesy goodness? I thought so, too.
It's finally summer! Why not enjoy the longer days with a few DIY crafts? Etch some glasses or. . .
Or why not learn something new? Like DIY screenprinting!!
. . . Make some Tea Tree shampoo bars!
How luxurious!
Better yet - let's laze the day away with a good book and some adorable bookmarks! Happy Summer!
June 16 - Bloomsday, Fudge Day, Ladies' Baseball Day, Recess at Work Day, World Juggling Day, Fresh Veggies Day
June 17 - Husband Caregiver Day, Family Awareness Day, Father's Day, Stewarts Root Beer Day, Eat Your Vegetables Day
June 18 - Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day, International Sushi Day, Go Fishing Day, International Panic Day, National Splurge Day
June 19 - Garfield the Cat Day, Juneteenth, World Sauntering Day
June 20 - American Eagle Day, World Refugee Day, Summer Solstice, National Daylight Appreciation Day, Finally Summer Day, Ice Cream Soda Day
June 21 - Atheist Solidarity Day, Go Skateboarding Day, World Handshake Day, World Humanist Day
June 22 - Stupid Guy Thing Day, Take Your Dog to Work Day
Jenna from Eat, Live, Run has some helpful camping eating tips for the
Great American Backyard Camp-out!
ADORABLE camper re-do . . . AND IT'S PINK! Happy National Pink Day!
My boyfriend, Justin, had lasik eye surgery! He did great and has been able to see 20/20 ever since! To celebrate the senses, I thought it was the perfect place to shout-out how proud I am of him! He kicked his glasses' asses!

June 23 - Baby Boomers Recognition Day, Great American Backyard Camp-out, Let It Go Day, Pink Flamingo Day, Public Service Day, National Pink Day
June 24 - America's Kids Day, Descendants Day, Celebration of the Senses, International Fairy Day, Swim a Lap Day
June 25 - Color TV Day, Please Take My Children to Work Day, Log Cabin Day, National Catfish Day
June 26 - National Columnists Day, Beautician's Day, Forgiveness Day
June 27 - Decide to be Married Day, Happy Birthday to You Day, (TODAY IS MY DAD'S BIRTHDAY!!) Industrial Workers of the World Day, National HIV Testing Day, Sun Glasses Day
June 28 - Dump the Pump Day, National Bomb Pop Day, National Handshake Day, Paul Bunyan Day
June 29 - Camera Day, Hug Holiday, Waffle Iron Day
June 30 - Tour de France, Meteor Day
Happy summering!

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