Earth Hour, National "She's Funny That Way" Day, Bunsen Burner Day
I am going to take a few minutes (I say "a few" but I know it will take much longer than this) to acknowledge some very important women in my life for National "She's Funny That Way" Day. I'm sure my words will fail to express my true feelings, but I'll do my best.
Michalene Winkler - My madre

Really, where do you start with words of appreciation for your mother? This picture makes me so proud of who I am and where I came from. Her facial expression, her posture and even picking at her nails - I am my mother's daughter. It took me a long time to realize the connection between a mother and daughter, but now that we have it, I will never let it go. She is beautiful inside and out. Even though she has demons, she never ceases to amaze me with her strength and drive to make positive changes in her life. She is a true role-model, even though I'm sure I've taught her a thing or two in my life. I LOVE YOU, MOM!


Denise Rottman - My aunt

Inspirational. That's about the only word that fits when I talk about my aunt Deni. She has been slammed with one thing after another in her life and she continues to be absolutely radiant. Making the most of the hand you're dealt doesn't even begin to explain the achievements she can boast. She is incredibly strong, passionate about her family and loyal to the core. I continue to learn things about life and happiness from her and I look forward to every moment I am able to spend by her side. AUNT DENI, YOU ARE AMAZING!

Lisa Farley - My aunt

I'm not sure if going through shit and coming out smiling is a Wojcik Woman thing or not, but I am sure proud to be placed in this category with someone like my Aunt Lisa. When life hands you lemons, you make them into goofy smile wedges and make ridiculous faces when you eat them. Always smiling, always quirky, always silly, always honest. I appreciate this last part more than ever before and I am so glad to have her on my team. She is the big sister I always dreamed of. THANK YOU, AUNT LISA - FOR TEACHING ME FORGIVENESS!

Rozeta Bogdani - My best friend

I was lucky enough to meet this wonderful woman my freshman year of college. Even though months may pass in between phone calls, I know that she would do anything for me and vice versa. She is beauty by every definition. She is patient with my cultural ignorance, passionate about love and it always feels like coming home when I'm next to her. I cannot wait to live the next chapters of our lives together. New jobs, wedding bells, babies - the whole shebang, I'll be by your side (only from across the country). To use your words, ROZI - I SIMPLY LOVE YOU!

Nichole Patterson - My cousin

The reason I work with teeth. The reason I still believe in marriages surviving. The reason I took ballet in college. Probably even the subconscious reason I drive a Jeep! I always wanted to be just like Nichole. She is my idol, my role model and my twin. I don't think she realizes how strong she is, but I know everyone else can see it. She is the reason I know that I can survive anything.

Carolynn Zeitz - My godmother

I asked Carolynn to be my godmother after being in her office for maybe 2 hours? I knew that she was everything I would want to be as a hygienist, a teacher, a woman. I am probably the only hygienist working in a pediatric office in Colorado, a state where hygienists don't work in pediatric offices. I wanted to be just like Carolynn and here I am. She helped me through a very difficult time with class and elegance. We both have our own lives running at a million miles per hour, but I know that all it would take is a trip to Michigan and some tasty mexican food to reconnect. She also introduced me to salmon and balsamic vinegar on vanilla ice cream. CAROLYNN - I HOPE I MAKE YOU PROUD!

Shannon Richkowkski - My Hygiene Mastery coach

I cannot even begin to think of where I would be or what I would be doing without Shannon in my life. Her story is inspirational in and of itself, but her personality and passion lights a fire inside of you, no matter what you want to do with your life! I am a better hygienist, friend, daughter and girlfriend thanks to her and her teachings. I will be just like Shannon someday and it will be the proudest moment of my life. She is down to earth, hard working and inspirational and I am so proud to be her student, let alone her friend. Always answering calls with a "Hey, girl!" reminds me that I could call her for anything. Someday I'll be able to repay all the time she has spent on me and allow her to take a break. SHANNON, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!

Little Britches Women - My team

Pushing me to be great, supporting me during difficult days, feeding me tasty mexican food, making me laugh even when I don't want to, helping me drink a hard day away - This is my team. Fortune Management technology can only take us so far - I firmly believe we were meant to be exactly where and who we are and I look forward to growing with each of you. We have big, exciting, terrifying things coming and I am so proud to face them with a team like ours. LITTLE BRITCHES, CHANGING THE WORLD BY BUILDING A FOUNDATION FOR A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE!

Yep, this definitely took me more than a few minutes, but totally worth it. Phew!

Happy day, ladies!
4/9/2012 09:02:41 am

You're so freaking cute in all the sweet things that us fast forward people dont take time to do and recognize. So, Miss Abby...thank you for taking the time to listen to me when i need an ear And give me the advice I need to hear! Love u girly!

Aunt Lisa
4/9/2012 06:53:10 pm

Abby, Thank you for including me in your list...I feel blessed to have you in my life and I hope you know how much you mean to me! Love ya a ton!!!


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