March 17: Corn Dog Day, National Quilting Day, St. Patrick's Day
Awww. . . Look at me with my red hair! Happy St. Patrick's Day all you Irish out there, as well as everyone else (ahem, me!) that will be pretending their Irish. My hair confuses people, but alas, I am Irish-less. Except for my boyfriend, Mr. McHenry. *sigh* If we get married, people will REALLY be thrown off!

Anyway, I wanted to share some sweet quilts that I'll probably never have the patience to make myself. Maybe I'll print pictures of them, tape them together, then sleep under them. Probably not!
My mom is making Justin and I this kick-ass quilt by V & Co. in teal and grey. I can't wait!

Sherri Lynn Wood inspires us to express ourselves with this Mod-Mood Quilt. On her site, you'll find a DIY tutorial  complete with a listing of the colors and the moods they represent!
In honor of St. Patrick:
GOLD: nervous, mixed emotions, unsettled, warm, rich
LIME GREEN: excited, anticipation, new growth, perceptive, motivated
GREEN: average reading, active, not under great stress, growth, abundance, prosperity, gratitude, hope, satisfaction, contentment, fertile, envy, greed, jealous, heart chakra
BLUE-GREEN: charged but relaxed, calm, dynamic, refreshed, tranquil, patience, cool, motivated, fussy, egocentric
Binding a quilt is my absolute least favorite thing to do in the whole wide world of quilting and Red Pepper Quilts teaches us how to make a binding-free quilt! Yes!!
I would love to get this quilt with a love letter or words of wisdom quilted on it! What a cool idea from Cornflower Blue Studio! They make them in minis on their etsy site, but I want mine bed-sized!
Apartment Therapy has a sweet upcycling tutorial for these quilted coasters!
This quilt in shades of green would be an awesome piece to throw on your couch during the St. Patty's Day festivities! Thanks, Purl Soho!
Happy quilting and top of the morning to ya!

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