_Houseplant Appreciation Day, National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
_I am the WORST plant killer. No matter how "fool-proof" a plant is . . . I kill it. Cacti, succulents, bulbs, money trees, you name it, I kill it. I even buy the "Impossible to over- and under-water" soil and I still manage to end up with shriveled, brown houseplants.

So, yes. I appreciate houseplants today. And I apologize to all those whose lives I have ended prematurely. I really do try to keep them alive, but too much of anything is a bad thing. Too much love is what I blame it on!
Tips to Celebrate National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
_Thanks to Examiner.com for these great tips!
  1. Turn down the heat! 
  2. Switch out old light bulbs for energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs.
  3. Believe it or not, even if you aren’t using a particular appliance or electronic gadget, they are still using energy.  Unplug items you are not using.  
  4. Turn off the television, radio and/or computer when not in use.
  5. Close the window blinds/curtains when it’s very warm or extremely windy/cold.
  6. Wait until the dishwasher or washing machine/dryer is completely full before you start a new load.
  7. Don’t let the water run when brushing your teeth.
  8. Install low-flow shower heads to help save water.
  9. Fix those leaky/dripping faucets and running toilets.
  10. Help reduce our dependence on foreign oil by walking or hopping on your bike instead of driving.
  11. Learn how you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars by using the free online Home Energy Saver.
  12. Also, stop watering your plants . .  Just kidding!
_Happy Tuesday!!